Discipline: Literature – fiction

Adib Khorram

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: Kansas City, MO
MacDowell Fellowships: 2024

Adib Khorram is the author of the YA novels Darius the Great Is Not Okay, Darius the Great Deserves Better, Kiss & Tell, and The Breakup Lists; the picture books Seven Special Somethings and Bijan Always Wins (forthcoming); and the adult romance I'll Have What He's Having.

While at MacDowell he began writing what he hopes will be his fifth published young adult novel, with the working title One Word, Six Letters.



Adib Khorram worked in the Veltin studio.

Veltin Studio was donated by alumni of the Veltin School, a school for girls in New York with a highly respected visual arts department. As the plaque just outside the entrance attests, this studio was used by poet Edwin Arlington Robinson during most of the 24 summers he spent at MacDowell. Perhaps most famously, Thornton Wilder put the finishing…

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