Discipline: Literature – fiction

Alison Anderson

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: Mill Valley, CA
MacDowell Fellowships: 2000

Alison Anderson worked as an English teacher in Switzerland, France, Greece and Croatia, before settling down as a consular agent and translator in the San Francisco Bay Area for a number of years, during which she published two novels, Hidden Latitudes and Darwin’s Wink. In 2008 she moved back to Europe and has since been working as a full-time literary translator. Her third novel, The Summer Guest, was published in 2016. She has translated over ninety novels from French, including Muriel Barbery’s The Elegance of the Hedgehog and works by Nobel laureate JMG Le Clézio. She is currently living in a village in the French speaking part of Switzerland.

She is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Literary Translation Fellowship, as well as fellowships at MacDowell and the Hawthornden Retreat for Writers.

At MacDowell, Anderson completed a final edit of a new novel entitled Island Fever. She also started work on a new novel which will be the third volume of this "Island Trilogy."

Portrait by Clare O'Dea



Alison Anderson worked in the Barnard studio.

Originally built near MacDowell's Union Street entrance, the Barnard Studio — which was funded by Barnard College music students — was re-located to its current site in 1910. When the small structure was moved, its size was doubled with the addition of a second room. This remodeling, financed by Mrs. Thomas E. Emery of Cincinnati…

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