Andrea Zakin received her M.A. from Hunter College and has also attened Columbia University, and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Her one-person exhibitions include those at Syracuse University in NY, Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ, Abraham Rattner Memorial Gallery in Sag Harbor, NY, and the Philadelphia Art Alliance. Her group exhibitions include those at the Elaine Benson Gallery in Bridgehampton, NY, Zeus Trabia Gallery, Adagio Gallery in Palm Desert, CA, and the Lehman College Art Gallery.
She has worked as a consultant with the New York Foundation for the Arts, New York State Council on the Arts, New York State Department of Education, and The Center for Arts Education. She has received grants from Altos de Chavon in the Dominican Republic, a Fellowship from MacDowell Colony, the Ossabaw Island Project, and ArtsConnection.