Ann McCutchan is the author of five books: Marcel Moyse: Voice of the Flute, The Muse That Sings: Composers Speak About the Creative Process, Circular Breathing: Meditations From a Musical Life, River Music: An Atchafalaya Story, and Where's the Moon? a Memoir of the Space Coast and the Florida Dream.
As an essayist and journalist, she has published personal essays and articles in numerous journals and magazines. Ann McCutchan has been awarded grants, fellowships, and residencies from the Rockefeller Foundation, MacDowell, the Thinking Like a Mountain Foundation, the Ucross Foundation, the Hambidge Center for Creative Arts and Sciences, the National Park Service, and others. She holds music performance degrees from Florida State University and the University of Michigan, and an M.F.A. in creative writing from the University of Houston.
The founding director of the University of Wyoming's M.F.A. creative writing program, she taught creative writing for 10 years at the University of North Texas, where she received the Kesterson Award for outstanding graduate teaching and was Editor of UNT's American Literary Review. Ann was elected to the Texas Institute of Letters in 2010 and sits on the artistic advisory board of Voices of Change, the Dallas contemporary music ensemble.
At MacDowell, McCutchan drafted four new essays for her collection titled Circular Breathing. She also worked on a set of prose poems with percussion accompaniment, which is part of "Scaling the Walls," a collaborative multimedia work.
Portrait by Susan Moldenhauer