Discipline: Literature – fiction

Beena Kamlani

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: New York, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 2022

Writer, editor, and teacher, Beena Kamlani, has published fiction in Virginia Quarterly Review, Ploughshares, The Lifted Brow, World Literature Today, Identity Lessons: Learning to Be American, Growing Up Ethnic in America, Epiphany Magazine, the Pushcart Prize Anthology, and other anthologies.

Her short story “Black Lace,” written at Yaddo in 2021, was published in Epiphany’s Empire-themed issue in summer 2021. Her short story “Zanzibar” won a Pushcart prize for fiction and one of her novels-in-progress won the Yeovil Fiction Award.

While at MacDowell, she worked on revisions to her debut novel, The English Problem (Crown Publishing, 2025).


Phi Beta

Beena Kamlani worked in the Phi Beta studio.

Funded by the Phi Beta Fraternity, a national professional fraternity of music and speech founded in 1912, Phi Beta Studio was built between 1929–1931 of granite quarried on the MacDowell grounds. The small studio is a simple in design, but displays a pleasing combination of materials with its granite walls and colorful slate roofing. Inside is…

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