Discipline: Interdisciplinary Art – multimedia installation

Bonita Oliver

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Art – multimedia installation
Region: New York, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 2024

Bonita Oliver utilizes multiple mediums as a performance artist and improviser. Her work is about transitions- the process of moving through. She creates deeply emotional, body in space, concept art through voice, music, environmental soundscapes and movement. The motivation is to heal personal and ancestral trauma in order to make way for discovery and connection. Her mission is to engage community through ritual, co creation, education and activism. Her process is in the moment and responds to stimuli – be it internal or external -through embodiment and interaction. Her live works exhibit this process in real time.

While at MacDowell Oliver worked alongside collaborator Doğa Buse Cavdir to explore new ways of interacting with the Bodyharp (a musical instrument designed, built, and coded by Cavdir). She has a daily ancestral dance practice which she integrated with the Bodyharp exploration. She also choreographed movement for her upcoming project, “For Namesake” which focuses on surname lineages and the stories they tell about abuses of people and land.



Bonita Oliver worked in the Nef studio.

Nef Studio, the first entirely new studio built after 1937, was donated by esteemed photographer, explorer, author, and MacDowell Fellow Evelyn Steffanson Nef in 1992. Endowed funds for the studio’s maintenance in perpetuity and an annual Fellowship for photographers were given in addition to funds for construction. Mrs. Nef said she had known about MacDowell all her…

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