Discipline: Visual Art

Cair Crawford

Discipline: Visual Art
Region: New York, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 1979

Cair Crawford’s paintings have been exhibited internationally including the Queens Museum, McNay Institute, NYU Kimmel Windows, White Columns and Fashion Moda. Her work is part of numerous private and public collections including site-specific commissions for Eastman Kodak, UK and Tamarind House, St. Lucia BWI. Crawford holds a Ph.D in Philosophy, Columbia University (2006), and a BFA, Painting, University of Buffalo (1965). She has participated in the Whitney Independent Study Program (1982) and was a MacDowell fellow (1981). Recent publications of her work include Art and Spirituality (2021) and The Seeds of Creation: Artists During the 2020 Pandemic, Cosmina Ene, Ed. She was awarded studio space at P.S.122 commencing May 1, 2022. Cair Crawford lives and works in NYC.


New Hampshire

Cair Crawford worked in the New Hampshire studio.

New Hampshire Studio, originally named Peterborough Studio, was given to MacDowell by Mr. and Mrs. William Schofield, Mrs. H. A. Chamberlain, Mrs. Andrew Draper, and Miss Ruth Cheney. The studio was renamed in 1943. The Gilbert Verney Foundation established an endowed maintenance fund in 1990, and a bequest in memory of MacDowell Fellow Victor Candell underwrote the…

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