Discipline: Literature

Carol Volk

Discipline: Literature
Region: Washington, D.C.
MacDowell Fellowships: 1996, 1997
Carol Volk is an acclaimed translator of literary and scholarly works from the French. She is a Steering Committee member of the DC-Area Literary Translators network, a member of the PEN Translation Committee, and of the American Literary Translators Association. She is the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships, including from the Witter-Bynner Reader’s Digest Foundation, the French Ministry of Culture, MacDowell, and Yaddo.



Carol Volk worked in the Star studio.

Funded by Alpha Chi Omega, a national fraternity founded in 1885, Star Studio — built in 1911–1912 — was the first studio given to the residency by an outside organization. To this day, Alpha Chi sorority pledges learn the story of Star Studio and its role in supporting American arts and letters. Beginning as a nicely proportioned…

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