Discipline: Literature – poetry

Charles Hartman

Discipline: Literature – poetry
Region: Mystic, CT
MacDowell Fellowships: 1992

Charles Hartman who has been publishing poetry for more than three decades, teaches the poetry-writing courses in the English Department's program in creative writing at Connecticut College. He directs honors theses in the concentration in creative writing in poetry. He also regularly teaches courses on contemporary poetry, including Recent American Poets. Sometimes he teaches courses in other fields such as Music and Poetry, and Bob Dylan.



Charles Hartman worked in the Veltin studio.

Veltin Studio was donated by alumni of the Veltin School, a school for girls in New York with a highly respected visual arts department. As the plaque just outside the entrance attests, this studio was used by poet Edwin Arlington Robinson during most of the 24 summers he spent at MacDowell. Perhaps most famously, Thornton Wilder put the finishing…

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