Christine Hale is also the author of a novel, Basil’s Dream (Livingston Press, 2009), which received honorable mention in the 2010 Library of Virginia Literary Awards. National Book Award finalist Joan Silber says “Basil’s Dream…seems to prove fiction can go where other forms can’t.” Christine Hale's short fiction and creative nonfiction have appeared in Arts & Letters, Hippocampus, Still, Citron Review, Prime Number, Spry, Saw Palm, Mandala, The Sun, and PMS, among other journals. A fellow of MacDowell, Ucross, Hedgebrook, Hambidge, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Hale has been a finalist for the Glimmer Train Short Story Award for New Writers and the Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers’ Award. She received an M.B.A. from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an M.F.A. from Warren Wilson College.
Christine Hale
Christine Hale worked in the Heyward studio.
The Lodge Annex, a wing on the west side of the men’s dormitory (The Lodge), was completed in 1926. Initially intended as an apartment for a caretaker, the space was soon repurposed as a live-in studio for writers. In recognition of a major endowment gift from the DuBose and Dorothy Heyward Foundation, Lodge Annex was…