Daniel Hernandez is a journalist, essayist, editor, and foreign correspondent. He is author of Down and Delirious in Mexico City: The Aztec Metropolis in the 21st Century, a first-person immersive examination of youth subcultures (2011). Daniel covered the drug war in Mexico as a reporter for the L.A. Times and as Latin American bureau chief for VICE News. His journalism and non-fiction writing, ranging from food to politics, have appeared in The Guardian, Slake, Gatopardo, Highline, Art in America, on National Public Radio, BBC News, Swallow, The Journal of Aesthetics & Protest, among others.
At MacDowell, Daniel arrived with three unfinished short stories; leaving with a completed structure and character scheme for a novel, combining two of those stories, setting aside the third for later. He wrote 50+ pages. Wrote an essay, "Writing Against the Rules," about moving between nonfiction and fiction at MacDowell, and developed a concept to release the novel as a spoken audio work.