David Surface is a fiction writer, journalist, and arts educator. His stories and essays have been published in a wide range of literary journals including Doubletake, North American Review, Crazyhorse, Fiction, and many others. He is the recipient of 2005 Fellowship in Nonfiction Literature from the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) and nominee for the NYFA Prize, was twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize in fiction, and has been awarded multiple residencies at MacDowell, Dorland Mountain Colony, and the Millay Colony for the Arts. As a teaching artist for Teachers and Writers Collaborative, David designs and leads writing residencies in New York City school classrooms, grades 2-12, and has conducted professional development seminars for teachers and administrators on integrating creative/narrative writing techniques and expository writing in accordance with Common Core standards.
David Surface
Van Zorn (formerly Kirby)
David Surface worked in the Van Zorn (formerly Kirby) studio.
Constructed thanks to a bequest from Sarah L. Kirby, Kirby Studio was the last new building to be erected during Mrs. MacDowell’s leadership (1907-1951). The load-bearing masonry walls were laid by local mason Augustus Beaulieu atop a fieldstone foundation. A 1995 renovation preserved the brick fireplace with wooden mantel and…