Discipline: Literature – fiction

Delight Ejiaka

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: Las Vegas, NV
MacDowell Fellowships: 2024

Delight Chinenye Ejiaka is writer and photographer whose works chronicle the African experience and history. Her fiction interrogates female hysteria, melodramatic women, and consciousness. She is curious about how the marketplace environment shapes people. Her short story, Market Craze, appears in Isele Magazine.

She was a finalist for the 2022 Frontier Global Poetry Prize, the Ray Ventre Memorial Creative Non-Fiction Prize, and the Wassnode Short Fiction Prize. Her works have appeared and are forthcoming in World Literature Today, Isele Magazine, Desert Companion, Whale Road Review, Passages North, Michigan Quarterly Review, Desert Companion, and Vindagua.

While at MacDowell, she worked on her novel in progress which explores to warring nations in early Igbo society.



Delight Ejiaka worked in the Veltin studio.

Veltin Studio was donated by alumni of the Veltin School, a school for girls in New York with a highly respected visual arts department. As the plaque just outside the entrance attests, this studio was used by poet Edwin Arlington Robinson during most of the 24 summers he spent at MacDowell. Perhaps most famously, Thornton Wilder put the finishing…

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