Discipline: Literature – nonfiction

Diana Cejas

Discipline: Literature – nonfiction
Region: Rougemont, NC
MacDowell Fellowships: 2024

Diana Cejas is a pediatric neurologist and writer in Durham, NC. Her work attempts to describe what it means to have a body, how that body falls apart, and how medicine can be miraculous (if you have access to it). She is a 2023 PEN America Emerging Voices Fellowship Finalist and a 2021 Pushcart Prize nominee.

Her essays have been featured in magazines, including The Journal of the American Medical Association, Neurology, The Iowa Review, Ecotone, and Pleiades, among others, and have been anthologized in collections such as Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century and A Measure of Belonging: Twenty-One Writers of Color on the New American South.

At MacDowell, she worked on her memoir in essays; a project which uses her story as both physician and patient to tell a broader story about how racism, ableism, and other systems of oppression affect our healthcare system.



Diana Cejas worked in the Garland studio.

Marian MacDowell and friends originally named this studio in memory of Anna Baetz, the nurse who helped care for Edward MacDowell in the waning years of his life. With generous support from the Garland family, the studio was renovated in 2013 and renamed the Peter and Mary Garland Studio. The inward opening, diamond-pane windows were replaced…

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