Discipline: Literature

Eve Shelnutt

Discipline: Literature
Region: Laughlintown, PA
MacDowell Fellowships: 1987

Eve Shelnutt (1941– 2015) was an American poet and writer of short stories. She lived in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Athens, Ohio, and Worcester, Massachusetts. Over the course of her career, she taught at Western Michigan University University of Pittsburgh, Ohio University, and The College of the Holy Cross.

She received her B.A. from University of Cincinnati. She received her M.F.A. from University of North Carolina, Greensboro where she studied with Fred Chappell under the auspices of The Randall Jarrell Fellowship. She received the O. Henry Prize in 1975 for "Angel", in Shenandoah, Winter 1974. She also won the Mademoiselle Fiction Award. Literary Fellowships include MacDowell, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and Yaddo.



Eve Shelnutt worked in the Mixter studio.

Built in 1927–1930, the Florence Kilpatrick Mixter Studio was funded by its namesake and designed by the architect F. Winsor, Jr., who also designed MacDowell's original Savidge Library in 1925. Mixter Studio, solidly built of yellow and grey-hued granite, once had sweeping views of Pack Monadnock to the east. The lush forest has now grown…

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