Discipline: Literature

Fae Ng

Discipline: Literature
Region: Cambridge, MA
MacDowell Fellowships: 1988
Fae Ng is an American novelist, and short story writer. She is a first-generation Chinese American author whose debut novel Bone told the story of three Chinese American daughters growing up in her hometown of San Francisco’s Chinatown. She is the daughter of seamstress and a laborer, who emigrated from Guangzhou, China. She attended the University of California-Berkeley, and received her M.F.A. at Columbia University. Her short stories have appeared in the American Voice, Calys, City Lights Review, Crescent Review, Harper's. She currently teaches at UC Berkeley and UCLA in the English and Asian American Studies departments.



Fae Ng worked in the Banks studio.

Banks, an ell on the north end of the Lodge dormitory, was first used as an artist’s studio in 1970. Since then, it has played host to an extraordinary list of writers working in several disciplines. In all seasons, Fellows have enjoyed the pastoral view through the French doors facing a field…

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