Helena Kuo (1911 - 1999), also known as Kuo Ching-ch’iu, was a Chinese-American writer and translator who was born in Macao. She was educated at Lingnan University and Shanghai University before working for the Shanghai Evening News and other Chinese newspapers. She escaped Japanese invasion in 1937, moving to England and becoming a columnist for the London Daily Mail. Kuo then moved to the United States in 1939, where she met and married painter Dong Kingman. She then translated for the Voice of America and the United States Information Agency and became an advisor for the 1943 movie, China. Kuo also translated two novels and wrote works of her own.
Helena Kuo
Helena Kuo worked in the Barnard studio.
Originally built near MacDowell's Union Street entrance, the Barnard Studio — which was funded by Barnard College music students — was re-located to its current site in 1910. When the small structure was moved, its size was doubled with the addition of a second room. This remodeling, financed by Mrs. Thomas E. Emery of Cincinnati…