My works are emerging. They arise and exist.
So begins their life. They exist … in the open and closed space, in the countryside, in the urban areas, and in the sociopolitical life.
There is only one reason: It is my language, the language which I have chosen to get in contact with this world, to communicate with people, and to confront the issues I see. It’s my way, my contribution to what is happening in this world. I see the world and see what is happening. I observe, reflect, and think about it and then find my own position. This creates a field of tension out of which my artistic endeavors develop.
Sometimes, themes are brought to me but at other times they thrust themselves upon me.
During special times, projects simply appear with a seemingly natural sense of necessity. I accept those tasks, problems, and questions in order to find new ways of addressing them. I also try to find new possibilities and new solutions using the media that are availabe to me.
This applies to art as well as to life.
Germany, June 2016