Discipline: Visual Art

Hiroshi Kimura

Discipline: Visual Art
Region: Seattle, WA
MacDowell Fellowships: 1996

Hiroshi Kimura is an artist who studied at Sokei Academy of Fine Arts in Tokyo and in a four-year program in professional art training oil and classical techniques. He has worked as a bibliographic Assistant at the East Asian Library of Columbia University since 1997. Kimura earned fellowships at MacDowell, Warani International Artist Workshop in Kenya, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and Salzburg Kunstlerhaus in Austria. His other awards and honors include a Washington Artist Trust GAP Grant, a Bronx Museum Artist in the Marketplace grant, a Manhattan Graphic Center Scholarship and finalist recognitions in the Central Art gallery National Competition and the Japan Prize Oil Painting Competition. Kimura’s work has been exhibited in Tokyo, Ontario, Seattle, San Francisco, New York, London, and more.



Hiroshi Kimura worked in the Firth studio.

Originally a working barn perched atop the namesake hill of Hillcrest Farm, this building was converted to serve the arts in 1956. A grand set of windows was installed to make the large interior suitable for visual artists, bringing in abundant natural light from the north. The addition of a screened porch and accessible entrance ramp…

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