Discipline: Literature

Howard Wolf

Discipline: Literature
Region: Amherst, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 1975, 2016

Howard R. Wolf (1936-2023) not only taught a wide range of styles and topics in literature as a professor emeritus of English and a senior fellow at SUNY-Buffalo but also tackled them as an author. In addition to modern American literature, he lectured on short fiction, autobiography, and literary journalism. He was the author of three memoirs, a novel entitled Broadway Serenade, personal essays, and many short stories. At the time of his death, Wolf was putting together a collection of his short works, Exiles by Starlight, that feature the character Ludwig Fried, a semi-comic double who features in the story excerpted below. Wolf called him a “restless loner, dreamer, introspective writer, and a 20th century embodiment of Jewish history who longs for security and thinks he needs to travel to find it.”

A Fulbright Scholar in Turkey and South Africa, Wolf worked on Exiles by Starlight, and a play, Home at the End of the Day during his 2016 residency. He was a graduate of Horace Mann School, earned a bachelor’s degree in English in 1958 at Amherst College, and wrote for the school paper. He went on to receive a master’s degree from Columbia University in 1960, served in the Army and won the Hopwood Award for Fiction at the University of Michigan, where he taught composition and completed his Ph.D. in 1967. Later that year he joined the English Department at UB and soon was part an experimental program to teach composition to college and high school students.

He served as director of English undergraduate studies at UB. Becoming an emeritus professor in 2007, he was a senior fellow in the English Department and continued as an adjunct professor until 2010. He also taught a course on travel writing for UB’s Discovery Seminars Program.

Author of 10 books and featured in more than 300 publications, his collection of personal essays, “The Education of a Teacher,” was included in “The Call to Reform Liberal Education: Great Books of 1987.” He was elected to the PEN American Center, and his manuscripts and letters have been collected by the Amherst College Archives and Special Collections since 1971.

Made at MacDowell

Fellow Works Supported by MacDowell

 Exiles by Starlight (Book)

Home at the End of the Day (Play)



Howard Wolf worked in the Veltin studio.

Veltin Studio was donated by alumni of the Veltin School, a school for girls in New York with a highly respected visual arts department. As the plaque just outside the entrance attests, this studio was used by poet Edwin Arlington Robinson during most of the 24 summers he spent at MacDowell. Perhaps most famously, Thornton Wilder put the finishing…

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