Discipline: Visual Art

Ida Schmulowitz

Discipline: Visual Art
Region: Providence, RI
MacDowell Fellowships: 1992

Ida Schmulowitz is an American artist. Numerous key galleries and museums such as Soprafina Gallery have featured Ida Schmulowitz's work in the past. In 1996, Landscapes, she had a solo exhibition, as as part of MacDowell's 100th Year Celebration Invitational: Society for the Preservation of New Hampshire Forests, Concord, NH

Portrait by Sandor Bodo



Ida Schmulowitz worked in the Firth studio.

Originally a working barn perched atop the namesake hill of Hillcrest Farm, this building was converted to serve the arts in 1956. A grand set of windows was installed to make the large interior suitable for visual artists, bringing in abundant natural light from the north. The addition of a screened porch and accessible entrance ramp…

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