Discipline: Architecture – design

Iman Fayyad

Discipline: Architecture – design
Region: Cambridge, MA
MacDowell Fellowships: 2024

Iman Fayyad is a designer and assistant professor of architecture at Syracuse University. She is founding director of projectif, an award-winning research practice that explores architectural geometry’s relationship with material economy, sensory perception, and the politics of physical space.

She has published and exhibited in venues including Technology | Architecture and Design, Nexus Network Journal (Architecture and Mathematics), Log, Yale Architecture Gallery, Carnegie Museum of Art, citygroupNY, and the Roca Gallery in London.

Her built public work and research on zero-waste geometric construction techniques has received recognition by the Architects' Newspaper Best of Design Young Architects Prize, the ACSA Faculty Design Award, and Architizer's Design for Good Award.

While at MacDowell, Fayyad spent her time assembling her first monograph, folding together two avenues of her creative work: first, theoretical and speculative experiments in techniques of vision, perception, and power; and second, practical research on building construction that addresses the fraught relationship between tectonics, material waste, and formal complexity in digital design culture. She also started two new design projects, one in collaboration with a composer and fellow MacDowell artist.



Iman Fayyad worked in the Garland studio.

Marian MacDowell and friends originally named this studio in memory of Anna Baetz, the nurse who helped care for Edward MacDowell in the waning years of his life. With generous support from the Garland family, the studio was renovated in 2013 and renamed the Peter and Mary Garland Studio. The inward opening, diamond-pane windows were replaced…

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