Discipline: Visual Art – photography

Jocelyn Lee

Discipline: Visual Art – photography
Region: Cape Elizabeth, ME
MacDowell Fellowships: 2000, 2002

At MacDowell in 2002, Jocelyn Lee was editing the negatives from the past year. She would be having a solo show of this work at the Bernard Toale Gallery in Boston in Spring 2003.

Portrait by Smith Galtney



Jocelyn Lee worked in the Heinz studio.

The icehouse, built of fieldstone in 1914–1915, was a practical part of Marian MacDowell’s plan for a self-sufficient farm. Winter ice cut from a nearby pond was stored here for summer use on the property. Idle since 1940, it was a handsome but outdated farm building. In 1995, Mrs. Drue Heinz, a vice chairman…

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