Discipline: Literature – fiction

John Haskell

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: Brooklyn, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 1984, 1993, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2015

During his most recent residency at MacDowell, John Haskell worked on a long fictional essay about a woman who, finding herself in a movie, wrestles with the role models she's been given in her life. His most recent book is The Complete Ballet: A Fictional Essay in Five Acts.



John Haskell worked in the Watson studio.

Built in 1916 in memory of Regina Watson of Chicago, a musician and teacher, this studio was donated by a group of her friends, along with funds for its maintenance. Originally designed to serve as a composers’ studio with room for performance, Watson was used as a recital hall for chamber music for a…

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