Discipline: Theatre – playwriting

Kandace James

Discipline: Theatre – playwriting
Region: Pittsburgh, PA
MacDowell Fellowships: 2024

Kandace James is a playwright who uses a poetic lens as a tool for telling magical, realistic stories centering Black, queer, and masculine-presenting women. At times, her plays feel like a eulogy. Other times, they feel like a baptism, a family reunion - but they always feel like coming home.

She was a national finalist for the John Cauble Award for Outstanding Short Play at the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival Nationals (KCACTF). Her screenplay Stellar Collision received the $25,000 first place award in the 2022 Alfred P. Sloan Script Competition at Carnegie Mellon University. She is currently a Core Apprentice Fellow at the Playwright's Center.

While at MacDowell, she will develop her one-act play, "This Is How You Capture The Light," into a full-length play, exploring family lineage, oral history, inheritance, and legacy - specifically through the exploration of the Black women who came before her, who owned homes and made them sacred.

At MacDowell, James completed a full-length play (a play she has struggled to finish since 2021) based on her award-winning one-act play, This Is How You Capture The Light. During her stay, she was named a quarterfinalist for the Frank Moffet Moiser Fellowship for Works in Heightened Language, with hopes of moving forward. Before her stay, she was a National Playwrights Conference semifinalist for the Eugene O’Neil Theatre Center.



Kandace James worked in the Mansfield studio.

The Helen Coolidge Mansfield Studio was donated by graduates of the Mansfield War Service Classes for Reconstruction Aides. Helen Mansfield helped found the New York MacDowell Club. The small, shingled frame structure with stone foundation was originally fronted on the west side by a neat white picket fence and gate, a garden, and a stone pathway…

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