Karthik Pandian is an artist and teacher developing ceremonial technologies. He has presented his works in moving image, sculpture, performance, and sound internationally at exhibition venues such as the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Hammer, and the Palais de Tokyo, and on digital platforms such as the Criterion Channel and Triple Canopy. He is a professor of art, film, and visual studies at Harvard University and a guide, certified in offering Lama Rod Owens’ Seven Homecomings practice.
At MacDowell, Pandian shot 16mm film of the total solar eclipse and forsythia in bloom, created large scale drawings in walnut ink, and wrote poems in preparation to complete his first feature film entitled Surrendur. The film is the second work in the Forsythia Cycle, for which Pandian received a Creative Capital Award in 2022. In 2021, Pandian presented the first work in the Cycle entitled In the River, a public performance in St. Paul, MN commissioned by Midway Contemporary Art.