Discipline: Literature – poetry

Katharine Whitcomb

Discipline: Literature – poetry
Region: Ellensburg, WA
MacDowell Fellowships: 2000

Katharine Whitcomb is the author of two full-length collections of poems, The Daughter’s Almanac, which was chosen as the winner of the 2014 Backwaters Prize and published by The Backwaters Press, and Saints of South Dakota & Other Poems, which was chosen by Lucia Perillo as the winner of the 2000 Bluestem Award and published by Bluestem Press.

She has also released two poetry chapbooks, Hosannas (Parallel Press, 1999) and Lamp of Letters (Floating Bridge Press, 2009), winner of the 2009 Floating Bridge Chapbook Award. She is the co-author, with the artist Brian Goeltzenleuchter, of The Art Courage Program, a parody self-help book and art piece, published by Jaded Ibis Press in 2014.



Katharine Whitcomb worked in the Wood studio.

Wood Studio, given to the residency program by Mrs. Frederick Trevor Hill, was completed in 1913 in memory of Mrs. Hill’s mother, Helen Ogden Wood. Like Schelling Studio, the building is sided with large, overlapping pieces of hemlock bark. When the studio was renovated in 1995, MacDowell staff researched the origins of this unusual building material and…

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