Discipline: Literature – poetry

Keith Kopka

Discipline: Literature – poetry
Region: Philadelphia, PA
MacDowell Fellowships: 2024

Keith Kopka received the Tampa Review Prize for his collection of poems, Count Four (University of Tampa Press, 2020). His poetry and criticism have recently appeared in American Poetry Review, New Ohio Review, Best New Poets, The International Journal of the Book, and many others. He is also the author of the critical text, Asking a Shadow to Dance: An Introduction to the Practice of Poetry (GRL 2018).

He has recently completed building an M.F.A. program at Holy Family University in Philadelphia, which will launch with its first cohort of students in the Fall of 2024. Kopka is also a senior editor at Narrative Magazine and has been awarded the International Award for Excellence from the Books, Publishing, and Libraries Research Network.

While at MacDowell, Kopka worked to complete his second book of poems entitled Brutum Fulmen. Poems from this collection have appeared in American Poetry Review and many other publications.



Keith Kopka worked in the Schelling studio.

Marian MacDowell funded construction of this studio the year that the organization was established and the first artists arrived for residency. It was called Bark Studio until 1933, when it was renamed in honor of Ernest Schelling, a composer, pianist, and orchestral leader who served as president of what was then called the Edward MacDowell…

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