Kevin Craft has been teaching for the UW Creative Writing in Rome program since 1998. He received a bachelor of arts in both English and French from the University of Maryland, and a master of fine arts in English from the University of Washington. He also studied drama at the University of Sheffield, in Great Britain, and Romance languages at the Université de Perpignan, in France. His first book, Solar Prominence (2005), was selected by Vern Rutsala for the Gorsline Prize from Cloudbank Books. His poems, reviews, and essays have appeared widely in such places as Poetry, AGNI, Verse, Alaska Quarterly Review, The Stranger, and West Branch. He has been awarded fellowships from MacDowell, the Bogliasco Foundation (Italy), the Camargo Foundation (France), 4Culture, and Artist Trust. Kevin is the current editor of Poetry Northwest, the region's oldest literary magazine. He is also the written arts coordinator at Everett Community College, where he has taught English and creative writing since 1996. He believes that poems, like good travelers, live in the go-between.
Kevin Craft
Kevin Craft worked in the Star studio.
Funded by Alpha Chi Omega, a national fraternity founded in 1885, Star Studio — built in 1911–1912 — was the first studio given to the residency by an outside organization. To this day, Alpha Chi sorority pledges learn the story of Star Studio and its role in supporting American arts and letters. Beginning as a nicely proportioned…