Discipline: Music Composition

Kyle Rivera

Discipline: Music Composition
Region: New Haven, CT
MacDowell Fellowships: 2024

The ever-evolving artistic perspective of Kyle Rivera makes his music a space for intrigue and exploration. He is fascinated by visual imagery in sound and the way it can create windows into his mind. Sound and time are malleable objects with which he sculpts vivid sonic landscapes. He often draws upon the diverse sonic and cultural environments he grew up in to craft the soundscapes of his music.

Rivera’s interests in linguistics, spirituality, and media all influence the way he creates music. One of his goals as an artist is to offer a perspective on the world through his personal experiences. Some of his music has focused on topics relating to social justice, equality, and racialized matters. Alongside that, his music explores the conceptual limits of psychology, spirituality, and consciousness in sound.

At MacDowell, Rivera began composing music for “Grimoire II: Mauravi,” a piece for ensemble and generative video. In addition to the music, he worked on poetry, visuals, and a stage design that will be integrated into the performance of the work. The piece is set to be premiere in October of 2024 in Atlanta, GA with Bent Frequency.



Kyle Rivera worked in the Chapman studio.

Chapman Studio was funded by Mrs. Alice Woodrough Chapman in memory of her husband, composer George Alexander Chapman. Symmetrically massed, the building is stuccoed on the exterior with a natural, unpainted cement. Its unusual half-timbered ornament consists of slender, knotty spruce poles painted a dark green color. A central, peak-roofed entrance porch appears on the north side…

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