Leili Florence Besharat is an Iranian-American poet and artist currently living in Thailand. She was born in Tehran, Iran in 1970 and grew up in Connecticut, Italy, and Georgia. After graduating from the writing program at Goddard College, she began teaching and travel writing. She is a recipient of a MacDowell Fellowship, as well as a Fulbright Teacher’s Fund Fellowship to Japan for her work in teaching Japanese She lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand and will be moving to Kathmandu to work in an orphanage come summer.
Leili Besharat
Leili Besharat worked in the Heyward studio.
The Lodge Annex, a wing on the west side of the men’s dormitory (The Lodge), was completed in 1926. Initially intended as an apartment for a caretaker, the space was soon repurposed as a live-in studio for writers. In recognition of a major endowment gift from the DuBose and Dorothy Heyward Foundation, Lodge Annex was…