Discipline: Music Composition

Lucio Gregoretti

Discipline: Music Composition
Region: Rome, ITALY
MacDowell Fellowships: 2005, 2006, 2011

Lucio Gregoretti worked on his sixth opera, commissioned by the Teatro Massimo (the National Opera House in Palermo, Italy), which premiered in March 2011. Besides operas, Gregoretti has composed symphonic and chamber music regularly performed mostly in Europe. He has also composed musical comedies, film scores, and incidental music for theatre plays.


Van Zorn (formerly Kirby)

Lucio Gregoretti worked in the Van Zorn (formerly Kirby) studio.

Constructed thanks to a bequest from Sarah L. Kirby, Kirby Studio was the last new building to be erected during Mrs. MacDowell’s leadership (1907-1951). The load-bearing masonry walls were laid by local mason Augustus Beaulieu atop a fieldstone foundation. A 1995 renovation preserved the brick fireplace with wooden mantel and…

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