Discipline: Literature

Ludmila Shtern

Discipline: Literature
Region: Brookline, MA
MacDowell Fellowships: 1985
Ludmila Shtern worked as a senior research fellow in the geology department at Leningrad University, and is the author of 17 scientific papers in geology. She immigrated to the U.S. in 1976 where she worked as a geologist at a geological firm in Boston, as a PR manager at the Nakhamkin Art Gallery in New York City, and in the Russian-American Broadcasting Corporation in Boston as a host of the Russian language program, “Half an hour with Ludmila Shtern.” Shtern has published numerous articles and short stories in American and Russian periodicals, including The Boston Globe Magazine, Pequod, Stories, Connecticut Review, and The Conde Nast Traveler as well as seven books in Russian, four books in English and one in Italian. Her English-language books were reviewed by Booklist, Publishers’ Weekly, Kenyon Review, Time Magazine, Review in The Slavic and East European Journal, The Washington Post, and The New Yorker. Her short stories are translated into Hungarian and Dutch.


New Jersey

Ludmila Shtern worked in the New Jersey studio.

The yellow clapboard New Jersey Studio, located on a grassy, sloping site, was funded by the New Jersey Federation of Women’s Clubs and built as an exact replica of Monday Music Studio (1913). The studio’s porch rests on fieldstone piers that increase in height as the ground slopes to the west. Like Monday Music Studio, New Jersey…

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