Mandy Gutmann-Gonzalez is a Chilean poet and novelist working at the intersections of text, image, archive, and translation. They are the author of the novel La Pava (Ediciones Inubicalistas) and the poetry chapbook A/An (End of the Line Press). They hold an M.F.A. in poetry from Cornell University and their writing has appeared in the 2021 Best New Poets Anthology, Colorado Review, West Branch, Quarterly West, DIAGRAM, and other literary journals. Their work has been supported by fellowships and residencies from The Bucknell Seminar for Younger Poets, LAMBDA Literary, The Center for Book Arts, TAKT Residency in Berlin, The Frost Place, Studios at MASS MoCA, and MacDowell. They teach creative writing at Clark University in Worcester, MA.
While at MacDowell they worked on their documentary poetics project Salem Songs, which uses 17th century court records of the Salem Witch Trials as a sounding board, mining the archives to uncover the power and violence residing within the language of the legal system. Poems from this series have also been published in the Best New Poets Anthology, Colorado Review, and Quarterly West, as well as exhibited as broadsides and a sound installation piece at Hesse Flatow Gallery in NYC in a group show titled Affective Histories in 2021.