Discipline: Architecture

Mark Robbins

Discipline: Architecture
Region: Syracuse, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 1990, 2003

While at MacDowell, Mark Robbins continued working on Households, which combines images of the body, the domestic interior and the neighborhood. Through multi-paneled photographic collages and the exploration of over forty homes and several summer communities, he explores the ideas of public space and American social life.



Mark Robbins worked in the Adams studio.

Given to the MacDowell Association by Margaret Adams of Chicago, the half-timbered, stuccoed Adams Studio was designed by MacDowell Fellow and architect F. Tolles Chamberlin ca. 1914. Chamberlin was primarily a painter, but also provided designs for the Lodge and an early renovation of the main hall. The studio’s structural integrity was restored during a thorough renovation in…

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