Discipline: Literature – poetry

Martin Green

Discipline: Literature – poetry
Region: Medford, MA
MacDowell Fellowships: 1975

Martin Burgess Green (1927-2010) was a professor in the English Department at Tufts University from 1963-65 and then again from 1968-94. He received a B.A. from St. John's College in Cambridge, where he studied with the legendary F.R. Leavis. Martin received his M.A. from King's College of the University of London in 1951, and then served in the Royal Air Force for two years before teaching in Turkey and France. In 1957 he earned his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. Green published 37 books on a variety of topics ranging from an examination of Tolstoy and Gandhi to an analysis of the Robinson Crusoe adventure story. He is also known for his work on the Von Richthofen sisters and their involvement with Otto Gross related to the Ascona Movement in Switzerland.



Martin Green worked in the Watson studio.

Built in 1916 in memory of Regina Watson of Chicago, a musician and teacher, this studio was donated by a group of her friends, along with funds for its maintenance. Originally designed to serve as a composers’ studio with room for performance, Watson was used as a recital hall for chamber music for a…

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