Discipline: Literature – poetry

Mary Norton Kratt

Discipline: Literature – poetry
Region: Charlotte, NC
MacDowell Fellowships: 1996

Mary Norton Kratt is an American author who focuses on southern history. She was born in West Virginia and attended Charlotte Central High School, Agnes Scott College, and the University of North Caroline at Charlotte, where she earned a degree in English literature. Kratt has published 17 books of poetry, history, and biography that mostly pertain to the Charlotte area. She has also served on the Speakers Bureau of the North Carolina Humanities Council and twice won the Blumenthal Writers and Readers Series. In 1994, she won the Fortner Writer in Community Award from St. Andrews College and the Brockman/Campbell Poetry Book Award.


New Hampshire

Mary Norton Kratt worked in the New Hampshire studio.

New Hampshire Studio, originally named Peterborough Studio, was given to MacDowell by Mr. and Mrs. William Schofield, Mrs. H. A. Chamberlain, Mrs. Andrew Draper, and Miss Ruth Cheney. The studio was renamed in 1943. The Gilbert Verney Foundation established an endowed maintenance fund in 1990, and a bequest in memory of MacDowell Fellow Victor Candell underwrote the…

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