May Stevens (June 9, 1924 – December 9, 2019) was an American feminist artist, political activist, educator, and writer. Stevens was the recipient of numerous awards including the College Art Association Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement as an artist, poet, social activist, and teacher (2001), 10 MacDowell residencies, Women’s Caucus for Art Lifetime Achievement Award, Bunting Fellowship (1990), Guggenheim Fellowship in painting (1986), National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship in painting (1983), Andy Warhol Foundation Award (2001). Other awards include the 1958 New England Annual Landscape Prize, 1968–69 National Institute of Arts and Letters Child Hassam Purchase Award, 1983 National Endowment for the Arts Grant in Painting, 1988–89 Bunting Fellowship, Radcliffe College, 1990 WCA Honor Award for Lifetime Achievement, and the 2004 Edwin Palmer Memorial Prize for Painting, National Academy of Design. She was married to Rudolf Baranik, who was also an activist artist and MacDowell Fellow.
Portrait courtesy of Ryan Lee Gallery