Discipline: Film/Video

Mo Ogrodnik

Discipline: Film/Video
Region: New York, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 1999
Mo Ogrodnik is an American film maker and started her film career working with Michael Moore, Kevin Rafferty, and Jim Ridgeway on Blood in the Face, a documentary about the emergence of the New Right and the Ku Klux Klan in the mid-west. She then went on to produce films for National Geographic Television’s, Explorer Journal – a series that put cameras in the hands of explorers from around the world. Ogrodnik was the associate producer on Feed – a satiric documentary about the 1988 presidential election. Her first film, Richard and Nicole, a documentary about a trans-sexual chastised for starting a woman's group in a Unitarian Church in Maine, won numerous festival awards and sold to WNET. Ogrodnik was the associate dean of the Arts for NYU, Abu Dhabi where she spearheaded the Film, Music, Theater, Visual Art, and Interactive Media & Technology programs. Ogrodnik is the principal investigator of FIND, an artistic research lab that explores global issues facing the MENASA region (Middle East, North Africa, South Asia) through the lens of artists, scholars, and technologists. She received a Dean’s Grant in the spring of 2016 and spent April in the Philippines doing research. She is currently working on a multi-media project about the intersection of ex-pat, Arab, and South Asian women in the Arabian Gulf.



Mo Ogrodnik worked in the Garland studio.

Marian MacDowell and friends originally named this studio in memory of Anna Baetz, the nurse who helped care for Edward MacDowell in the waning years of his life. With generous support from the Garland family, the studio was renovated in 2013 and renamed the Peter and Mary Garland Studio. The inward opening, diamond-pane windows were replaced…

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