Discipline: Visual Art – photography

Nadia Sablin

Discipline: Visual Art – photography
Region: Poughkeepsie, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 2018

Nadia Sablin is a photographer, whose work investigates the relationship between documentary and fictional storytelling and explores the larger world through close personal narratives. Her photographs have been seen in solo and group exhibitions internationally and her work is in the public collections of Philadelphia Museum of Art, Portland Art Museum, Cleveland Museum of Art, and Duke University's Rubenstein library. As a recipient of Center for Documentary Studies/Honickman First Book Prize in Photography, Sablin’s monograph, Aunties, was published by Duke University Press/CDS in 2015.

At MacDowell she edited photographs and wrote short stories for a book about the Russian Arctic.



Nadia Sablin worked in the Nef studio.

Nef Studio, the first entirely new studio built after 1937, was donated by esteemed photographer, explorer, author, and MacDowell Fellow Evelyn Steffanson Nef in 1992. Endowed funds for the studio’s maintenance in perpetuity and an annual Fellowship for photographers were given in addition to funds for construction. Mrs. Nef said she had known about MacDowell all her…

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