Discipline: Literature

Nancy Cardozo Cowles

Discipline: Literature
Region: New York, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 1956
Nancy Cardozo Cowles (1919–2014) was a poet, short story writer, and biographer. A native of New York, she attended the Dalton School and Swarthmore College. Her writing career spanned many decades in which she published short stories in The New Yorker, three books of poetry, and a biography of Maud Gonne, Irish revolutionary and muse of the poet Yeats. Cardozo Cowles was married twice, to Jim Egleson and Russell Cowles, both of whom predeceased her, and spent many years living with her partner, Dr. Aileen Ward.


New Hampshire

Nancy Cardozo Cowles worked in the New Hampshire studio.

New Hampshire Studio, originally named Peterborough Studio, was given to MacDowell by Mr. and Mrs. William Schofield, Mrs. H. A. Chamberlain, Mrs. Andrew Draper, and Miss Ruth Cheney. The studio was renamed in 1943. The Gilbert Verney Foundation established an endowed maintenance fund in 1990, and a bequest in memory of MacDowell Fellow Victor Candell underwrote the…

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