Discipline: Literature – fiction

Nelly Reifler

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: Brooklyn, NY
MacDowell Fellowships: 2005

Nelly Reifler is an American short story writer and novelist. She is perhaps best known for her short fiction collection See Through, and her debut novel Elect H. Mouse State Judge, published by Faber and Faber in August 2013. She teaches creative writing at the Pratt Institute and at Sarah Lawrence College.

Reifler began her career as an assistant to Paul Auster from 1997–2005, co-editing a collection with him titled I Thought My Father Was God. Her stories have been published in various literary journals, including Failbetter, Black Book, BOMB (magazine), The Fiddleback, Sleepingfish, jubilat, Post Road, and McSweeneys. She received a Henfield Prize in 1996, won a Literary Death Match in 2010, and was a MacDowell Fellow in 2005.

During her residency. Nelly continued to work on her "Movies," a series of texts that describes imaginary films. She also worked on a new novel. The paperback edition of her story collection "See Through" will be released by Simon & Schuster in 2006.

Portrait by Jim Herrington



Nelly Reifler worked in the Sorosis studio.

Sorosis Studio was funded by the New York Carol Club of Sorosis. The small, masonry studio was designed by F. Winsor, Jr., the architect who also designed Savidge Library (1926) and Mixter Studio (1927). At the time of construction, the large porch on the southeast façade offered a spectacular mountain view that has since been obscured…

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