Discipline: Architecture – design

Nina Cooke John

Discipline: Architecture – design
Region: Montclair, NJ
MacDowell Fellowships: 2024

Nina Cooke John is the founding principal of Studio Cooke John Architecture and Design, a multidisciplinary design studio that values placemaking as a way to transform relationships between people and the built environment.

Studio Cooke John’s Shadow of A Face, the new Harriet Tubman monument in Newark, NJ, was unveiled in March 2023. The studio was awarded a 2021 AIA Merit Award for the public art installation, Point of Action, commissioned for the Flatiron public plazas in 2020 and currently on view at the Wassaic Project. In 2022, she was named a United States Artists Fellow and was named the AIANY|Center for Architecture’s New Perspectives honoree in 2024.

While at MacDowell, Cooke John created collagraph plates, prints, and collages. The works on paper expanded on the original photographic series “Island Life” and the screenprint-based collage series “Is This Home” which was part of the “Object Translations Disrupters on the Edge” exhibition and workshop at the ACSA 112th annual meeting in Vancouver in March 2024.



Nina Cooke John worked in the Putnam studio.

The Graphics Studio (as it was originally named) was converted to its present use in 1972–1974 through a grant from the Putnam Foundation, and originally served the property as both a power house and pump house. Well water was pumped from a large cistern to Hillcrest, the Foreman’s Cottage, and the lower buildings closer to…

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