
More than 9,000 artists have been awarded Fellowships to MacDowell, and more than 300 arrive each year.
Get to know them.

Since 1907, our mission has been to create a space where inspiration happens on a daily basis. We do that by providing essential support for emerging and established artists by bringing together diverse, multidisciplinary talent to exchange ideas and pursue creative work.

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Carole Vance

Discipline Literature
Region Sunnyside, NY
At MacDowell 1993

Heather Tosteson

Discipline Literature – poetry
Region Chapel Hill, NC
At MacDowell 1986, 1993

Haydee Victoria Suescum

Discipline Visual Art
Region San Antonio, TX
At MacDowell 1993

Tom Strider

Discipline Visual Art
Region New Orleans, LA
At MacDowell 1993

Katharine Stall

Discipline Literature
Region Iowa City, IA
At MacDowell 1993

Gregory Spatz

Discipline Literature
Region Spokane, WA
At MacDowell 1993

Kirsten Smith

Discipline Literature – poetry
Region Los Angeles, CA
At MacDowell 1993

April Sinclair

Discipline Literature
Region Berkeley, CA
At MacDowell 1993

Stephen Shore

Discipline Visual Art
Region Tivoli, NY
At MacDowell 1993

Allen Shearer

Discipline Music Composition
Region Oakland, CA
At MacDowell 1987, 1988, 1990, 1993

Amy Shea Rydberg

Discipline Literature – poetry
Region Albuquerque, NM
At MacDowell 1993

Mara Scrupe

Discipline Visual Art
Region New Canton, VA
At MacDowell 1993

George Scialabba

Discipline Literature
Region Cambridge, MA
At MacDowell 1993

Deborah Schupack

Discipline Literature
Region New York, NY
At MacDowell 1993

Max Schubel

Discipline Music Composition
Region Greenville, ME
At MacDowell 1969, 1972, 1977, 1981, 1981, 1982, 1987, 1993
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