Paul Osterfield is an American composer. His early efforts as a composer were recognized in 1990, when the United States Copyright Office and the Library of Congress awarded Osterfield first prize in their Young Creators' Contest. The following year, that winning work was performed by the Cleveland Orchestra on their Family Key Concert Series. Since then, Osterfield's compositions have continued to receive performances both internationally and throughout the United States. Recent European premieres are Peter Sheppard Skaerved's performance of Twenty-Four Caprices for Solo Violin at the Cambridge Summer Music Festival and the University of Nebraska Kearney Trio's performance of Beneath the Veiled Light at the World Saxophone Congress in Slovenia. Osterfield's music has been performed throughout the United States by ensembles including the Great Noise Ensemble, the Blakemore Trio, neoPhonia New Music Ensemble, wind ensembles at the College of Wooster, Capital University, Otterbein University, the University of Georgia, Arkansas State University, and Middle Tennessee State University, and four premieres by the Stones River Chamber Players. Osterfield has been a Fellow at MacDowell, and has won Middle Tennessee State University's Outstanding Creative Arts Faculty Award, an Individual Artist Grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission, and awards from BMI, ASCAP, and the National Federation of Music Clubs.
Portrait by E'Narda McCalister