Discipline: Literature – fiction

Perry Glasser

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: Haverhill, MA
MacDowell Fellowships: 2024

Perry Glasser, a 75-year old mildly disabled writer, is the author of eight books of fiction and memoir, including the surreal novel, Riverton Noir. All his published work is the consequence of over-the-transom submissions.

While at MacDowell, he was at work on a novel called The Nandy Chronicles set in a world much like our own - though not quite. There is famine and a totalitarian hegemony that confronts Dee, the Neanderthal girl brought to life by her mother, Phyl, by ex vitro means using DNA/RNA rescued from a 30,000-year-old fossil. Glasser dreamed his characters at night and wrote them in the day.



Perry Glasser worked in the Watson studio.

Built in 1916 in memory of Regina Watson of Chicago, a musician and teacher, this studio was donated by a group of her friends, along with funds for its maintenance. Originally designed to serve as a composers’ studio with room for performance, Watson was used as a recital hall for chamber music for a…

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