Discipline: Literature

Phoebe Barnes Driver

Discipline: Literature
Region: Westwood, MA
MacDowell Fellowships: 1972
Phoebe Barnes Driver (1908-2008) was an American writer, poet, and oral historian from Worcester, MA. Barnes Driver, a graduate of Radcliffe College, was a contributor to articles and magazines, and the author of numerous works, including, Soundings and Bearings (1967), Scottish Love Poems (1975), Penobscot Island (1992), and A Salmon Fishing Journey (2002). Barnes Driver also conducted a series of oral histories, including Through Prisms: The Pulpit Harbor Cabots, and worked as an oral historian for the Smithsonian archives from 1978-1982.



Phoebe Barnes Driver worked in the Sprague-Smith studio.

In January of 1976, the original Sprague-Smith Studio — built in 1915–1916 and funded by music students of Mrs. Charles Sprague-Smith of the Veltin School — was destroyed by fire. Redesigned by William Gnade, Sr., a Peterborough builder, the fieldstone structure was rebuilt the same year from the foundation up, reusing the original fieldstone. A few…

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