Discipline: Music Composition

Robert Pollock

Discipline: Music Composition
Region: Kula, HI
MacDowell Fellowships: 1972, 1976

Robert Pollock received a B. A. in music from Swarthmore College, a M.F.A. in musical composition from Princeton University, and a Guggenheim Fellowship in musical composition. He is co-founder of the New York Guild of Composers (1975), where he was often featured as pianist, and founder/director emeritus of the Composers Guild of New Jersey (1980-1998). Since 1999, Pollock directs a contemporary music and arts presenting organization, Ebb & Flow Arts, Inc., in Hawai'i.

He has organized more than 500 new music concerts. As pianist he has premiered more than 100 compositions by composers from around the world. He has recorded works by George Walker, Rashid Kalimullin, Stephen Peles, Dina Koston, Sarn Oliver, Edward T. Cone, and others. He performed solo piano recitals in Honolulu, Maui, and Kauai, Hawai'i; Seoul, Korea; Tokyo, Japan; Kazan, Russia; Xalapa, Mexico; New York; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; and California. He participated as composer-in-residence at William Paterson University, the Festival for New American Music, and has received fellowships from MacDowell, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Millay Art Colony, California State University at Sacramento, and the University of Vera Cruz in Xalapa, Mexico.

Some of his more than 140 compositions have received performances in Israel, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Italy, Poland, Germany, Austria, Mexico, Bulgaria, Denmark, Ireland, and many locations in the U.S. Several of his works are recorded for Furious Artisan, CRI, CGNJ, E&FA (MIMM), and Union of Composers labels, and are published by Mobart, E.C. Schirmer, Veritas Musicae, and Rosalime Productions.



Robert Pollock worked in the Veltin studio.

Veltin Studio was donated by alumni of the Veltin School, a school for girls in New York with a highly respected visual arts department. As the plaque just outside the entrance attests, this studio was used by poet Edwin Arlington Robinson during most of the 24 summers he spent at MacDowell. Perhaps most famously, Thornton Wilder put the finishing…

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