Robin Mandel is an artist working in sculpture, video, and installation. His recent exhibition venues include the Boston Cyberarts Gallery, the List Gallery at Swarthmore College (PA), Currents 2016 in Santa Fe (NM), the Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts in Grand Rapids (MI), and the Wassaic Project in New York. He has also exhibited in Portland, Providence, Montreal, Venice, Barcelona, and Jerusalem. He has held residencies at MacDowell, the Fine Arts Work Center, and Anderson Ranch Arts Center, and has been awarded grants from the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts and the St. Botolph Club Foundation in Boston. His teaching credits include the Rhode Island School of Design, the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Maine College of Art, and Colby College. He is currently an assistant professor of art at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Robin Mandel
Robin Mandel worked in the Heinz studio.
The icehouse, built of fieldstone in 1914–1915, was a practical part of Marian MacDowell’s plan for a self-sufficient farm. Winter ice cut from a nearby pond was stored here for summer use on the property. Idle since 1940, it was a handsome but outdated farm building. In 1995, Mrs. Drue Heinz, a vice chairman…