Discipline: Literature – fiction

Sam Cohen

Discipline: Literature – fiction
Region: Los Angeles, CA
MacDowell Fellowships: 2020

Sam Cohen is the author of Sarahland, (Grand Central Publishing 2021). Her fiction can be found in Fence, Diagram, as a chapbook in Birds of Lace, and others. She is the founding editor of the online journal YES FEMMES, the fiction editor of the chapbook publisher Gold Line Press, and the producer of Lambda LitFest. She is a Ph.D. candidate in creative writing and gender studies at the University of Southern California.

Portrait by Alison Picard



Sam Cohen worked in the Garland studio.

Marian MacDowell and friends originally named this studio in memory of Anna Baetz, the nurse who helped care for Edward MacDowell in the waning years of his life. With generous support from the Garland family, the studio was renovated in 2013 and renamed the Peter and Mary Garland Studio. The inward opening, diamond-pane windows were replaced…

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